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22 Strand Dna Activation

카테고리 없음

by mathekatel1970 2020. 2. 13. 07:43


The King Salomon 22-Strand DNA Activation originally was used to empower the High Priests, Priestesses, Oracles and High Healers of Ancient Egypt.Your DNA contains the blueprint for who you are as a Divine Being. It is God-given, holy, sacred, and defines the uniqueness of you for it contains the encoded information regarding your physical and spiritual lineages. The 22-Strand DNA Activation will give you access to the secrets and mysteries of who you are and what is your purpose, yielding answers to such questions as: Why am I here?

22 Strand Dna Activation

What gifts and talents do I have? Where did I come from? Am I doing what Im supposed to be doing with my life?

And much more.All total, you have 24 strands of DNA; 12 physical strands and 12 etheric counterparts. The King Salomon procedure activates 22 of your 24 strands of DNA and may be done anywhere, at anytime. It is a relatively brief procedure that opens you to the energy to realize your full potential as a human being. During the activation, you receive certain symbols at each layer of your being, whether conscious of them or not. These symbols remain within you, awaiting your discovery and investigation.

They vary quite a bit for each person, and include colors, shapes, feelings, light, energies and so forth. Many commonly report experiencing physical sensations such as pulsing, tingling or heat. The DNA Activation procedure directly affects the etheric body. Because the physical and etheric bodies have such a close connection, the alterations made etherically soon will manifest in the physical body. This begins the process of transformation in your cellular structure, equipping your body for living in the newer, lighter and higher energies. This activation is not a healing per se, but rather an empowerment that can facilitate your own healing process. The DNA activation can be performed on anyone.To make an appointment for your 22-Strand DNA Activation contact:CeCe Converse, CPCC925-768-2700-or-Liz Garcia925-969-1489.Video recording and editing byIan GriffinExecutive Communicationsian.griffin@exec-comms.com510-962-4721'I help you get your videos on YouTube'.

22 Strand DNA Activation By Cheryl CaccialanzaThe 22-Strand DNA activation is a tremendous gift that was unveiled twoyears ago to accelerate the spiritual awakening of the collectiveconsciousness on the planet. This unique activation is associated withthe ancient mystery school lineage of King Solomon. It was used toactivate high priests and priestesses, oracles, and prophets as a riteof passage in the secret mystery school tradition.This holy and sacred process has been handed down intact, in a directlineage, for more than 2,500 years, and is now being offered openly tobring humanity into full empowerment.


DNA is an essential component ofall living matter. It is very personal, for it contains the encodedinformation relative to both one's physical and spiritual lineage. Thisinformation determines a person's physical form, hereditary maladies,mental proclivities, emotional behavioral patterns, and spiritualgifts. DNA contains the blueprint for one's life purpose and divinepotentialities.Until now, this stored information has been inaccessible to us exceptfor initiates of mystery schools, spiritual masters, and holy personsdedicated to serving the Light. Our human form is composed of 12physical strands of DNA and 12 corresponding spiritual strands, totaling24 strands. The average person has only one strand of DNA activated,which relates to 10% brain use in humans.

Herein lies the reason whypeople use so little of their brain capacity.The 22-Strand activation is the key to unlock 22 of our 24 strands ofDNA. Through this modality, one will experience a higher attunement toSpirit; spiritual growth and self-transformation will be accelerated asa result.The powers, secrets, and mysteries of one's true inner Being willbecome manifest as light moves through the cells in the body, activatingthe 22 strands of DNA. The DNA structure is encoded karma manifestedphysically through the ancestral line.


By receiving the 22-Strand DNAactivation not only the genetic structure of the activated person willbe altered, but this change will affect the individual's ancestors 3 to5 generations in the past as well as 3 to 5 generations in the future.Bringing light into areas of the DNA that have never been activatedalters the probability of the future and changes the past. Geneticpatterning for diseases such as alcoholism, depression, nervous systemdisorders, cancer, etc. Can potentially be cleared.